Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Heavenly Sword 2 Artwork

     Heavenly Sword was a game that was developed by Ninja Theory and was exclusive on the Playstation 3.  The game was released on September 12, 2007 in North America and Japan.

     While the combat of heavenly sword played much like God of War, you would play a female protagonist "Nariko" who uses a weapon called the Heavenly Sword.  There was also another female character "Kai".  With Kai you would use the Siaxis controller to control the arrows to try and reach their target (as intriguing as it was a pain in the ass)

      "When we set out to do Heavenly Sword ... we wanted it to be a three-game story," he said at around the 11-minute mark. "We've had the story for the sequel for awhile now. Hopefully if this game is successful, then there's no reason why there shouldn't be a sequel and we'd very much like to go into that." Was said during in interview with AMN during E3 by Ninja Theory Co-founder Tom Antoniades.

     On March 21, 2008, on G4's Attack of the Show it was listed on the scrolling banner that Ninja Theory is not planning to create a sequel for Heavenly Sword, and instead has decided to work on a new project (most likely Enslaved: Odyssey to the West). Though information on the decision and the aforementioned project was sparse, it was stated that production time for the new project will span well over two years, and that the project, like Heavenly Sword, will be extremely cinematic.

     It always makes me wonder why they didn't go any further with the game.  It sold over a million copies in 2008, the biggest complaint was the games short length (honestly with new games sometimes that happens and then a story is expanded upon and made longer in a sequel)

Artwork from Heavenly Sword 2
     Since it has been stated that a sequel, even a trilogy was planned, it's not surprising to here there was artwork even probably some of story was done to a sequel.  It is nice to see Nairiko would have seemed as much of a bad ass,given the ending to the first Heavenly Sword.  It also also a reminder and pisses me off that this may be the only thing  that is ever seen with the Heavenly Sword games.

     I honestly hope maybe an outcry will be received from fans with this artwork that another game will start to be made, and they can see they had a franchise here, and there was no reason to abandon the story or characters.

    It's great to see, but upsetting that this was never made into another game.  The story and character were strong enough to make a sequel.  The gameplay was exciting (not new but exciting), and it had a lot of a story that could have been expanded with.  Here's hoping one day maybe we'll see more of this series.  But for now this is the artwork to enjoy

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