Thursday, September 6, 2012

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

     This is not Metal Gear Revengeance that is getting ready to be released.  Hideo Kojima has announced that a new Metal Gear Solid game named Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes was shown at a PAX presentation
     This is an open-world Metal Gear game, which I believe is going to be just a lot more to do as Big Boss.  Yes, I did say Big Boss because this will be a prequel to the Metal Gear Solid games, with Big Boss back in Foxhound, before he turned into a bad guy.
     Now I myself loved to play Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater.  I know that I had a great time playing as Big Boss, and did enjoy the love interest, (or lack thereof  at times), with Eva.  It was a great story, with some very memorable quotes to gaming history to me.  It wasn't at the time when Metal Gear became over with too many cutscenes (Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots was way too much for cutscenes)
     I love the idea of learning more about the history of the legendary Big Boss.  The story was told at the end of Guns of the Patriots, but I would love to see how it plays out.  I love to be able to get Metal Gear Solid in an open world.  While this is uncomfirmed on the type of interactions that the characters will have, Hideo Kojima said in an interview that he liked the Deus-Ex style social interactions with different characters.  But didn't go any further in an interview stating "...if I say more the female ninja public relations officer, who is behind the door, I will be carved up into pieces"  So they are obviously trying to be tight lipped about the project because as early as it is with any production.
     If there is one thing Hideo Kojima is good at is being tight lipped and not induging much information (such as the surprise to many fans about playing as a different character named Raiden all together in most of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty)
     I myself can't wait to hear more about this game, and I love the idea of taking Metal Gear Solid franchise into an open world.  Giving Snake more interaction with people, more places to go, and much more time to play as the character instead of the linear gameplay that has seen this franchise so much.  I just hope it doesn't take away from the sneaking element and CQC style fighting that Big Boss has become legendary for.

     Only time will tell, but to see a video of the gameplay that is shown for Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes check this link here

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